With over two decades of experience in Education; I craft blended training solutions that empower learners to reach their goals. I create highly engaging, innovative, data-driven training with a strong concentration in e-Learning development.

Website attributes

Created using Google Sites

Icons created using www.storyset.com 

<a href="https://storyset.com/education">Education illustrations by Storyset</a>

<a href="https://storyset.com/people">People illustrations by Storyset</a>

<a href="https://storyset.com/business">Business illustrations by Storyset</a>

<a href="https://storyset.com/process">Process illustrations by Storyset</a>

<a href="https://storyset.com/building">Building illustrations by Storyset</a>

<a href="https://storyset.com/people">People illustrations by Storyset</a>

Storyline Challenges

I love challenging myself and solving problems so taking part in the weekly eLearning challenges through the articulate website is a great way to find inspiration and learn new skills https://community.articulate.com/hubs/e-learning-challenges